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寒冷、季风、旅游、海景这里是东南亚,劲甜、微酸、果味、多变这滋味是东南亚美食。不管您爱人的是马来西亚的独有,还是新加坡的难忘,当您步入民族饭店磨坊咖啡厅,一种不可思议的情愫之后深深钻进了喉咙。  磨坊咖啡厅兹邀了来自广东的马来西亚大厨蔡师傅,用他多年来东南亚菜品的烹调经验,为我们演绎了东南亚美食的精髓。  来民族饭店磨坊咖啡厅东南亚美食节,领略到的将某种程度只是东南亚美食,更好的是一种身临其境的动容。

如果您指出那些佛像、烛台或是熏香都由梦中而来,那就大错特错了,这种浓厚的东南亚风情装饰,由我们特邀的达芬奇家居顶级设计师倾情打造出。脱俗纱幔也好,拙朴禅意也罢,在色彩斑斓的装饰中,总有一处让您为之动容。  六月的民族饭店磨坊咖啡厅,用东南亚美食的热情为您冲破夏的序幕,想要体验身临其境的东南亚万千风情的您,一定不要错失这场美食盛宴!  主推菜品:泰式大虾冬阴功汤、印尼蔬菜沙拉、香叶包鸡、娘纳吉冷当牛肉、榴莲酥  预订电话:(8610)66014466-162、163  Southeast Asian “Gourmet Monsoon” Now Landing  - Southeast Asian Gourmet Festival in Minzu Hotel Coffee Mill  Hotness, monsoon, tourism, seascape... you can experience the Southeast Asian style here. Strong spiciness, slight sourness, fruitiness, vagary you can enjoy Southeast Asian cuisine here. Whether you love the uniqueness of Malaysia cuisine, or the aftertaste of Singapore cuisine, once you step into Minzu Hotel Coffee Mill, a wonderful feeling will go into your deep throat.  Coffee Mill has invited the Malaysia Master Chef Cai from Guangdong, who interprets the essence of Southeast Asian gourmet for us with his many years of experience in cooking Southeast Asian dishes.  Participating in the Southeast Asian Gourmet Festival in Minzu Hotel Coffee Mill, you can not only taste Southeast Asian gourmet, but also get a feeling as if you were in Southeast Asia. If you think those Buddha statues, candlesticks or incenses come from a fantasyland, you are dramatically wrong because this decoration with strong Southeast Asian style was created by the top designers of Da Vinci Home Decoration. The colorful ornaments, like the charming curtain or the spirit of Zen, etc., you are sure to be moved by one of them.  Main dishes: Thai Prawn Tom Yum Kung Soup, Indonesian Vegetable Salad, Pandan Leaf-packed Chicken, Nyonya Rendang Beef, Crispy Durian Cake  The Minzu Hotel Coffee Mill in June has kicked off the summer for you with the passion of Southeast Asian gourmet, and if you want to experience the authentic style of Southeast Asia, please do not miss this gourmet feast!  Reservation telephone: (8610) 66014466-162,163http://travel.sohu.com/20130617/n379018199.shtmltravel.sohu.comtrue搜狐旅游http://travel.sohu.com/20130617/n379018199.shtmlreport3677寒冷、季风、旅游、海景这里是东南亚,劲甜、微酸、果味、多变这滋味是东南亚美食。

